Gifts to Support Breast Cancer Patients

The Swim Across the Sound recently supported a mother of three boys, all under the age of 13. While undergoing aggressive breast cancer treatment, she needed to stop working which placed a financial burden on her family and they feared they may lose their home. Through it all, she stayed strong and has shared how appreciative she and her family were for the support they received. She and her family are currently finding ways to give back so they too can help support families like her own. 

“Being out of work during treatment, this assistance has allowed me to keep the focus where it should be …on healing and my family.

You too can make a difference!

Please consider a gift in honor or memory of your loved one
to support the women and men affected by breast cancer by making a gift to the

Anthy Demestihas, M.D. Patient Assistance Fund

Make a Gift Today!